January 29, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 6)- Iranian-backed terrorists killed three American servicemen and injured dozens more in a weekend drone attack in Jordan. President Biden says the United States will respond to this atrocity. I am certain it will. But will the response be strong enough? The time has come to stop dithering around with Iran, a nation with which we have been in various stages of conflict since the hostage crisis of 1979. I urge President Biden to strike Iran directly, especially its military and naval forces in and around the Red Sea. We've done it before. President Reagan ordered air strikes in 1988 that destroyed half of Iran's navy in one afternoon. That is the very least we should do at this time. I'm not a war monger. However, the time has come to remind the Iranians, the Russians and the Chinese that we have a military budget larger than the next 14 nations combined. Let's face reality: As long as we are the world's only significant superpower, there are a bunch of other nations that will always take potshots at us. However, in the case of Iran, we are faced with a criminal and morally corrupt nation that is trying to export its bastardized version of Islam. (Make no mistake: Iran is to Islam as much as Nazi Germany was to Christianity.). The only action that currently makes sense is for the United States to begin a significant and sustained bombing campaign against the Iranians. However, at the same time, we also need to begin a strategic disengagement from Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu has used the Gaza attacks of last October to wage much wider war designed to overshadow his political scandals at home. Israel has become an albatross around the neck of the United States. We can ensure the security of the Jewish State without becoming entangled in its domestic affairs. I know that whatever President Biden chooses to do, he will be roundly criticized on his right and his left. Guess what, Joe? That comes with the job. And as I see it, Job One right now is to give Iran a bloody nose and reminder her that we are willing to use EVERY weapon in our arsenal against her if these proxy attacks on American forces continue. Damn it, we are a superpower. It's time to remind the rest of the world of that. That''s it for now. Fear the Turtle.