November 12, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 47) - Election season is a lot like the Christmas season - after months of build-up and frenzied activity, it comes and it goes. And then it is over. The commercials (thank God) are gone. The intrusive emails (for the most part) are done. And, perhaps best of all, the uncertainty has disappeared. Just like knowing exactly what Santa left you under the tree, the voters know exactly what they got once the votes are counted. (Of course, one week out, there are some races where those votes are still being counted.) Whether your side won or lost, a certain sense of relief comes over us that allows us to take a deep breath. Of course, after the results of this particular election, some of us will be taking even deeper breaths. The newly elected or reelected officials will not take the oath of office until after the new year, which will give us six weeks of some small measure of relief. Once the new year arrives and the new crowd is handed the keys to the kingdom, the din of the political strife will rise once again. In the meantime, it is a time for planning for the winners and a time of introspection for the losers. And, assuming the Constitution is still in force after the next four years, politicians on both sides of the aisle will spend their time jockeying for position in the 2028 presidential sweepstakes. Yes, there is a period of post-election hangover. But the truth is that in 21st century America, election season never ends. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.