January 20, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 4)- When we are younger, let's say in our teens, we are invincible. While still immature in many ways, our bodies and minds are at the best they will ever be. We have no concept of our own morality. For that reason, as well as lacking real-world experiences, we are willing to take risks we will not dream of in our later years. Fast forward - and that seems an appropriate term - 50 years to the present. When you are in your early 70s, one's world perspective changes. Sooner or later, there will come a time when you are reminded that you have a temporary lease on this planet and that, eventually, you will receive your eviction notice. Such a realization is a rude and, dare I say, frightening experience. My moment came his past week, when seemingly out of nowhere, I was presented with such severe back and hip pain that I could hardly walk. If I had been living alone, I would have been unable to take care of myself. Fortunately, my loving life-partner was present to help. But even she has her own aches and pains to address. The worse was not knowing what was wrong. Under those circumstance, the mind can take you in a number of dark places. Now I know: I have degenerative spondylosis with in the lumbar spine. (English translation: The Old Gray Mare She Ain't What She Use To Be.) That's a lot better diagnosis than I had feared. My medical team will now develop a plan to lessen my pain. But the reality is that I will likely have to live with this the rest of my life. My cane may now be a constant companion. The sad fact is that unless one dies of a virulent virus or in a sudden accident, we all face the ravages of old age. Anyone who believes he or she can escape the effects of Mother Nature or Father Time is delusional. This is not to say that I fear The Reaper. I just know that the bastard lurks in the shadows. The best that I can do is tackle each day's challenges the best I can with the tools I have available. That's all any of us can do. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle - not The Reaper.