April 17, 2023 (Vol. 17 No. 20) - Have you had enough? How many people must die from senseless - no, insane - gun violence before state legislators and Congress cuts off the flow of weapons of mass murder? This past weekend marked the 16th anniversary of the Virginia Tech murders (shown above), where 32 students died at the hands of a deranged graduate student. However, we do not have to go back in time to witness such senseless horror. Just pick up your morning newspaper or turn on your TV. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been approximately 300 shootings with 132 deaths and at least as many injuries in just the last 72 hours of me writing this. Some are better known than others, such as the senseless murder of four people and the wounding of another 28 at a "Sweet 16" birthday party in Alabama. Closer to where I live, a teenager was shot by a jittery homeowner in Kansas City, Missouri, when the boy showed up at the wrong house to pick up his siblings. Sixteen-year-old Ralph Yarl was administered the death penalty for going to the wrong block? (Fortunately, the gunslinger was a lousy shot and he survived!) How, in God's name, can anyone argue that this shooting was justified? So far this year, there have been 12,358 gun deaths - 7,062 by suicide and 5,296 by homicide, justifiable shooting or accident. There have been more than 140 mass casualty shootings so far this year. Have you had enough? If the answer is "yes," here's what you should do: Kick out any legislator who does not support a ban on the sale of military style weapons and high-volume ammunition magazines. Anyone who tells you that ownership of such weapons is a sacred Second Amendment right is lying. That right does not exist in constitutional law. The Second Amendment is not a hunting license. Of course, the people who tell you this say they need their weapons to protect them against the government. As we well remember, it was many from this same crowd that tried to overthrow the government of the United States on January 6, 2021. They are represented by an organization that has laundered money for the Russians and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars so its leader can live an opulent life style. And the politicians who support this corrupt organization are spineless sycophants who blindly follow a seditionist, whore-mongering, narcissistic tax-cheat. Demand that your representatives ban these weapons. And vote for those who feel the same way as you do. Make America Great Again? I'd settle for making America safe again. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.