July 8, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 30)- Following his disastrous performance in the CNN presidential debate, President Joe Biden has been under pressure from within his own party to step aside and let another Democrat challenge Failure 45 in the November general election. To put it in its simplest terms: Should Joe go? Biden is the only person who can answer that question and the only person that can make that happen. There is no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden has slowed down. But that doesn't mean that his ability to make decisions has. One's performance on the debate stage is not a measure of cognitive ability. Unfortunately, it does influence the public's perception - which is all that matters in a presidential election. The questions about Biden have overshadowed the obvious physical and mental decline of the Defeated Former President. An objective evaluation of one of the Count of Mar-a-Lardo's rambling and often incoherent campaign speeches leaves one with the impression that The Orange One is a few fries short of a Happy Meal. There is a very real danger of a Republican victory this fall. That would be a disaster for not only the United States but the entire Free World, as well. It all hinges on what Biden chooses to do, whether that be to step aside or to take actions that will change this negative narrative. I can understand his reluctance to leave. If he were to run solely on his record - and in contrast to his predecessor's chaotic and clamorous term - Biden would win in a landslide. However, the American people are justified in worrying about the mental health of the person steering the ship of state. Frankly, neither candidate fills me with any sense of confidence. However, for now, Biden is the issue. To force him out would be unfair and would split the Democratic Party. Even if he chooses to go under his own volition, there is no scenario that does not threaten to shatter the Democratic coalition. It all comes down to this: It's Joe's decision to make and no one else's. Let's hope he makes the right one. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.