September 10, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 40) - From the moment she walked across the stage and extended her hand to her startled opponent, Kamala Harris owned Donald Trump tonight during their first - and likely their last - presidential debate. While she presented a vision for a future devoid of the rancor of the past eight years, Vice President Harris successfully goaded the Defeated Former President into his familiar quagmire of grievance politics. Frankly, at times, Harris made Trump look silly. Illegal immigrants eating family pets in Ohio? Abortions after birth? Convicted January 6th rioters as innocent victims? And those represent just the icing on the crap cake that Trump has baked. She even distracted him from his potentially strongest argument, the border crisis, by making him passionately defend the one issue that is most important to him, crowd size. Yes, size does matter. And in so many ways, Failure 45 is deficient. It is inevitable that within the heat of a political debate, politicians either deliberately or accidentally misspeak. CNN reported that Harris once misrepresented Trump's economic record. However, the cable network said that Trump "lied" at least 35 times. (And those are just the big lies. There were too many small ones to count.) I was impressed that Harris resisted calling Trump a racist or sexist. She just laid out the facts that could lead no reasonable person to any other conclusion. Harris has already challenged Trump to another debate. And why shouldn't she? To use a phrase Humpty Trumpty used repeatedly this evening, "everyone" knows she won. And Donald, the misogynistic, adulterous, sexual assaulter, must now live with the knowledge that the whole world tonight watched him get beat up by a girl. And all the wannabe king's horses and wannabe king's men could not put Humpty Trumpty back together again. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.