November 6, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 46) - After Donald Trump completed his inaugural address on January 20, 2017, Former President George W. Bush turned to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and said "That was some weird shit." That was Trump's infamous "American Carnage" speech, a dark vision of an America being driven to destruction by self-serving political elites. Well, you ain't seen nothing yet. With his election to another term as president, we can expect nothing less than American Carnage II - The Retribution. During his vile, disoriented, off-the-rails run to reclaim the White House, Failure 45 made it perfectly clear what his number one agenda item will be in his second term - getting even. After Trump takes control of the Justice Department, he plans to weaponize it to "hold accountable" those who dared to try and hold him accountable for the January 6, 2021, Capitol Insurrection. Those are his words, not mine. Are you ready for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. directing this nation's health care policies? Looking forward to the return of Steve Bannon as a White House advisor? How about fascist and convicted felon Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser? And speaking of convicted felons (and convicted sexual offender), I can't wait to see the once and future president's unique vision of moral authority as he once again infests the Oval Office. On the morning after the January 6 Capitol Insurrection, I quoted Abraham Lincoln from his 1838 Lyceum Address: "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time or die by suicide." Only time will tell whether the reelection of a doddering and mentally unstable oligarch will mark the end of the nearly 250-year American experiment in democracy. But to quote the 43rd President of the United States, we are in for some weird shit. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.