March 22, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 15)- To virtually no one's surprise, Republicans in the Kansas legislature have put personal pettiness ahead of the needs of its citizens. Despite overwhelming public support and the testimony from 900 Kansas citizens, the legislature has once again blocked Medicaid expansion. Wichita Republican Rep. Brenda Landwehr, chairman of a house committee considering the bill, made the remarkable - and insanely stupid - excuse, "Why would you expand a broken system?" To that I say, "Where's your proof that it's broken?" On the contrary, the Lawrence Journal World reports that it would bring much-needed aid to 150,000 Kansans and would unlock $700 million in federal aid. The apparently dim-witted sheriff of Sedgwick County testified that the cost of paying for inmate health care would be "devastating" - despite the fact that local and state officials are required to deal with inmate health care needs anyway. If anything, the failure to expand Medicaid may actually increase their costs. The equally moronic Republican house and senate leadership says they are opposed to "the expansion of the welfare state." What welfare state are they referring to? The United States ranks near the bottom of industrialized nations in providing support to its less-fortunate citizens. So, why are Republicans dead-set against expanding Medicaid? Hint: It has nothing to do with cost. There are two reasons the Republicans in Topeka refuse to expand Medicaid. First, most of the people who would be served are black and poor - not generally considered a Republican constituency. The second reason is because of the Medicaid expansion's popular nickname, Obamacare. And, boy do Republicans hate Obama. Even eight years after he left office, these Republican hold a deep resentment for the uppity, intelligent and articulate black man with the family from central casting. When you throw away all the rhetoric and obfuscation, it's all about race. And it's all about the racists running the Kansas legislature. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle. Copyrighted photo by David Guth.