March 5, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 12)- On this Super Tuesday, a day when the defeated and demented former president is about to sow-up the Republican presidential nomination, it is time once again to ask the question "How old is too old to be President of the United States?" Six months ago in this very space, I asked and answered that question. In that blog post, I said "To me, it is not a question of whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump should win the next election. Donald Trump is the most corrupt, morally deficient and dangerous politician America has known since Huey Long. The question is whether Joe Biden is up to the job. If one judges by the merits of his accomplishments and failures in office - in other words, judging him by his record - I believe the answer is still a resounding 'yes.'" Nothing since has happened to change that point of view. If anything, the bumbles and stumbles of the moron from Mar-a-Lago have reenforced my position. Even if we ignore the evidence that shows that former President Man Child is a seditious and fraudulent sexually abusing grifter - and that's a hell of a lot to ignore - it isn't hard to see that the old fool is losing it. He mistakes President Biden for former President Obama. (Yeah, they look so much alike, don't they?) He has difficulty speaking a complete sentence, rambles incoherently and slurs his words when he talks and shuffles along like the late Tim Conway's "Oldest Man" character on the old Carol Burnett Show. Yes, Joe Biden is showing his age. And am wild about the prospects to two men born in the 1940s running for president? I am not. But let's be clear on this one point: Biden is showing no signs of dementia and his opponent is. That's not a standard I'd like to set for the presidency. But it is what it is. And, as it has been said, would you rather have a president with 81 years behind him or 91 indictments in front of him? That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.