July 19, 2024 (Vol. 18 No. 32)- If any one picture sums ups the recently concluded Russo-Republican Party National Convention, this is it. Thursday's final night festivities could well have been called "Wrestling Night" with the conventioneers wrestling with everything but their own consciences. The speakers included Linda McMahon, former WWE executive, Dana White, UFC CEO, and that renown foreign policy expert Hulk Hogan, who thrilled the audience with his incredible shirt-tearing strength. There was also the golf pro at one of The Donald's golf courses, a Trump attorney who has been widely panned as incompetent, and Franklin Graham, who continues to sully his late father's reputation with every political appearance he makes. Of course, the "highlight" of the evening's freak show was the 93-minute long ramblings of Failure 45, himself. It was the longest acceptance speech in nominating convention history. (I'll bet even William Henry Harrison would have been telling the Bandaged Bandido to wrap it up.) After it was all said and done, the Milwaukee Madman's Marathon Missive amounted to a little more than a great-big nothing-burger. There was little of substance offered to the American voter. Instead, the entire week came across as if it was a Ralph Edwards production of "This is Your Life - or at least This is Your Life as You Would Have Us Believe It - Donald Trump." At home in bed in Wilmington, Delaware - assuming he stayed up that late - was Joe Biden thinking, to borrow a famous line from Saturday Night Live, "I can't believe I'm losing to this guy." And yet, he is. While Biden's refusal to drop out of the race continues at the time of this writing, there are reports that could change within the next 48 hours. Meanwhile, voters are left with the choice of a benevolent, but rapidly aging incumbent and his malevolent - some say demented - and rapidly aging challenger. This is the best we can do? May God - Franklin Graham, you remember him? - have mercy on us all. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.