August 26, 2023 (Vol. 17 No. 35) - And there he is, angry and arrogant. Most of his fellow Americans see the mugshot of 45th President of the United States as an embarrassment. He sees it as a marketing opportunity. I have no doubt that the Defeated and Indicted Former President, huddled with his synchophantic and seditious advisers strategized his Fulton County Jail photoshoot. He certainly didn't want to look happy. I'm certain he wasn't Nor did he want to look scared, although those who know him claim he is. Instead, the Tangerine Terrorist chose his default position, angry oligarch. And who can blame him? In his world, no one ever challenges the Big Orange. That's what January 6 was all about - how could 81 million American people have possibly voted against him? The election had to be rigged. Because he repeats this Big Lie over and over, many of his followers automatically believe him. They can't let the truth get in the way of a good story. And boy, can this loser lie! In one of his first interviews after he was booked and fingerprinted last Thursday, he told the viewers of one of the ultra-right television networks that he was grateful for the large crowd of supporters outside of the jail. This despite the fact that television cameras on the ground and in the air showed that absolutely no one was there for him at the courthouse. He might have seen a dozen or so flag-waving MAGA maggots on his route between the airport and the jail, but that was it. But who are you going to believe, the Coward-in-Chief or your own lying eyes? This entire episode would be comical if it wasn't for the fact that the consequences of this man-child with 91 criminal indictments getting anywhere near the White House again would prove catastrophic for American democracy. Already, MAGA legislators in Georgia are planning to invoke a new constitutionally questionable state law that would allow them to remove elected District Attorney Fani Willis from office. The House Judiciary Committee under the leadership of pedophile-enabler Jim Jordan - which is beginning to look more like the Nazi courts under Roland Freisler — is also planning to investigate her. And these people have the gaul to suggest that it is the Democrats who are weaponizing government. These are dangerous times. We need to be vigilant. We cannot let this Smug Mug and his Band of Thugs destroy nearly 250 years of American liberty. The only weapon the good guys have to stop this slow-motion coup d' etat is the vote - at least until they take that away. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.