October 8, 2023 (Vol. 17 No. 40) - Constitutionally, the United States has a government divided into three co-equal branches. And one of those branches, the Congress, is bifurcated into two equal divisions, the House of Representatives and the Senate. However, we learned this past week that there is now a new branch of government, the fascist and racist nut job caucus of the House majority that is hell-bent on fomenting chaos to God-knows-what end. Matt Gaetz, Florida's fascist fornicator, is the leader of the gang that, for the first time in American history, ousted a sitting Speaker of the House. And what was Kevin McCarthy's sin that cost him his job? He compromised with Democrats to keep the government open. Never mind that this is exactly what the American people wanted. Mad Dog Matt decided to, literally, bring the House down. Believe me, I am not sorry to see Kevin McCarthy go. Without a lengthy explanation - not that it is necessary - let's just say that the spineless wimp got EXACTLY what he deserves. But now we face the spectacle of a power struggle among a group of radical right politicians seeking to take McCarthy's gavel. One of the leading candidates is the shortsleeved sexual-abuse enabler Jim Jordan, slightly more intelligent and significantly more dangerous than Gaetz. And all of these wanna-be Speakers have been pliant stooges to the most evil and dangerous politician in American history, Donald Jackass Trump. (I don't need to recount the sins of this tiny-handed, dim-witted Mussolini-wannabe. Just read this blog.) Meanwhile, the Congress is stalemated. There are wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, a humanitarian crisis at our southern border and a constant attack on our personal freedoms. Unfortunately, the only noteworthy thing Congress has done recently is have one of its least-distinguished members perform a sex act in a Colorado theater. Congress diddles while America burns. So who is in charge? It may surprise you, but YOU ARE. At least for now, you have the power to vote. So, remember this nonsense the next time you cast your ballot. Vote your conscience. In my view, there is not a single Republican deserving of your vote. That's it for now. Fear the Turtle.