Thirteen Minutes: Death of An American High School

The people of Price City, Missouri, were convinced “it couldn’t happen here,” just as the people of Newton, Connecticut; Littleton, Colorado; and Parkland, Florida had once believed. But it did, amidst the political and social upheaval of the nation’s worst pandemic in a century. What conditions led to one of the worst mass-casualty school shootings in American history? Thirteen Minutes: Death of an American High School is a fact-based fiction grounded within contemporary journalism. It describes the root causes of a painful American form of tragedy. At the heart of the story is a typical rural community – just the kind of place where these atrocities frequently occur. It is also about a town polarized by political and social strife exacerbated by the global pandemic. Thirteen Minutes: Death of an American High School serves as a cautionary tale that provides insight into the causes and effects of these uniquely American tragedies. 

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