Endnotes for
"The Emergence of Public Relations in the Russian Federation"
1       Declaration of Independence.
      Leon Aron, "The Strange Case of Russian Capitalism," American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, from Columbia International Affairs online.
3       Thierry C. Pauchant and Ian I. Mitroff, Transforming the Crisis-Prone Organization, (San Francisco:Jossey-Bass Publishers:1992), 12
      Ole R. Holsti, "Limitations of Cognitive Abilities in the Face of Crisis," Studies in Crisis Management, Edited by C.F. Smart and W.T Stanbury, (Tornonto: Butterworth & Company: 1978), 41.
5       Steven Fink, Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable, (New York: AMACON:1986), 15-16.
6       Laurence Barton, Crisis in organizations: managing and communicating in the heat of chaos, (Cincinnati:Southwestern Publishing:1993), 2.
7       Dennis L. Wilcox, Phillup H. Ault and Warren K. Agee, Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics, (New York: Harper and Row: 1986), 5.
8       Official Statement on Public Relations, Public Relations Society of America.
      Alexander Nazaykin, "A Thriving Advertising Market is Not In The Cards Just Yet," Finansovye Izvestia, No. 86, 9.
10     Official Statement on Public Relations.
11    Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center and Glen M. Broom, Efffective Public Relations, Sixth Edition, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall: 1985), 68-72.
12    Alec Benn, The 23 Most Common Mistakes In Public Relations, (New York: AMACOM: 1982), 15-16.
13    Andrev Serov, "The fifth industrial factor," Itogy, September 1997.
14    "PR paved the way to USSR fall says Russian reporter," O'Dwyer's PR Services Report, July 1992, 1.
15    Betsy McKay, "Yeltsin looks to West for PR help," Advertising Age, 25 May 1992, 2.
16    Aron.
17    This exchange occurred during the Freedom Forum's "Free Press, Fair Press Europe Media Forum" at the House of Journalists, St. Petersburg, Russia, on 1 June 1998.
18    Vladimir Isachenkov, "Russians Scrap Experiment After Mirror Fails to Unfold," The Associated Press, 5 February 1999, via ABC News Online.
19    Ellen Michiewicz, Changing Channels: Television and the struggle for power in Russia, (New York: Oxford University Press), 158-161.
20    Alexi Pushov, "Political campaigning on TV a flop," Moscow News, 12 January 1996, 4.
21    Fred Schulze and Ann C. Bigelow, "Russia presidential election June 1996," The Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press, September 1996, 1.
22    Steven Gutterman, "Russian Tax Cops Raid Bate Saatchi's Office: Foreign Companies May Be Focus As Nation Tries To Boost Collections," Advertising Age, 4.
23    Vijai Maheshwari, "Russian Advertising: It's New and Improved," Business Week, 27 January 1997, 21.
24    The survey instrument used in this research came from the author's earlier study "Organizational Crisis Experience and Public Relations Roles," Public Relations Review, Summer 1995, 123-136.
25    An oblast is a political subdivision.  For purposes of comparison, a Russian oblast is similar to a Candandian province or a U.S. state.
26    "Membership Report, Public Relations Society of America, 1 January 1997.
27    Aron.
28    Aron.
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